Plays and Skits

I’ve written a play or two and have a couple mostly-written plays as well. I also have some skits and such. I’ll post what’s available and offer a list of in-the-works items. Take what you want, but pay for all you take.

People have a lot of different problems with Christianity. Some of the problems revolve around logic, some emotional and others are a little of both.
This play revolves around three groups of people in the same restaurant, a group of two men, a group of two women and a group of three teenagers. Their conversations, all about Christianity and their objections to it are played out over a quiet lunch.

The Life

The Life is a play about a Christian, from the moment of salvation to the time of death. Throughout happiness and horror, the life situated in Christ remains strong and secure. This play is currently not available on Amazon or anywhere else. But, I’ve made it available here for download.


Disconnect is the story of Mae, an illustrator at a 3d image factory that falls in love with a super hero. Through the help of her friends and a counselor, she soon comes to realize that the superhero she thought she fell in love with was only a figment of her imagination. She has to descend further into her subconscious to reach freedom. I’ve included the first 18 pages for anyone to download and read.