
Zeal Without Knowledge

“It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.”

Proverbs 19:2

     Imagine a salesman who is very excited about a product but doesn’t know anything about it. He really wants you to try the product, but when you ask him specific questions about the product, he either doesn’t know the answer or makes up the answer. In the end, he will probably make the company he works for look very foolish.

     Now, imagine a Christian that is very excited about his new Christianity. He wants to share his faith with others, but when he attempts to share, he ends up offending people and making a mess of the gospel. He is very passionate about Christ, but he is brash and does not have a very good defense for his faith. He often makes Christianity look foolish.

     It is very important that we are passionate about our faith. If we’re not excited about this salvation, we won’t be able to convey the joy to anyone else. But our responsibility does not stop at passion. We must have a defense for the hope that is within us. When we received the invitation to salvation, we also received a note stating that we need to bring our brains along for the ride.

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